Friday, September 23, 2011


It's not a death. It's a change. A transformation. The beginning of the end of a cycle. A "clearing," if you will. And I welcome it. It's fitting that Rosh Hashanah (Hebrew for "head of the year") is a late September celebration in the Jewish faith: the start of a new year in a transformative season where one can literally witness the change of the leaves, the maturity of the harvest, the early slumber of the sun signaling shortened days, the cooler temps...all indicators that our surroundings will somehow be different.

While Spring may be linked to birth and growth, Fall personifies maturity, a readiness to learn, to adapt. School years matriculate in this period, a fresh start to learning, the commencement to the next level by casting away a layer or two. A famous ad campaign continues to question: "What becomes a legend most?" The unspoken answer: those with staying power, evolutionary prowess, reinventive ingenuity.

I am in my "clearing." I thought I was done, but I have been shown there is a little bit yet to do. More pieces and people need to fall away. I welcome the change, look forward to the lessons, and know that it is not just what I witness, but what I, too become. And I am legendary. Let's go.

"Summer is already better, but the best is autumn. It is mature, reasonable and serious, it glows moderately and not frivolously...It cools down, clears up, makes you reasonable..."
Valentin, Finnish author

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