"Your life's journey is about becoming more of who you are." -- Oprah Winfrey
I thought it was appropriate to quote Miss Oprah today, since her much anticipated OWN (Oprah Winfrey Network) venture kicks off today, the start of a new year, a new decade, a new chapter in her life.
I, too, have been sitting with concepts, ideas and ventures stirring about my head, but with little or no progress. My journey has been stalled out, hazard lights blinking, on the side of the road for too long. Recent revelations have suggested that instead of continuing my wait for that repair dude to come by, or accepting "help" from those with quick-fixes (like water in the radiator instead of coolant), I should finally listen closely for the noises, pop the hood and diagnose what was really going on myself.
The discovery that I am missing major parts has been both disconcerting and surprising. Parts I am missing have been replaced with bogus stuff like doubt, insecurity, fear, anger...and these bad parts are the constant cause of my breakdowns, situations that always leave me by the side of the road, stranded.
Well, no more! I have decided that, as I have heard Oprah comment, my entire life is a "miracle;" my being here, in this life, on this planet, is no accident. There is purpose to my existence, and it's high time I started recognizing, appreciating and living up to that fact. So, while under the hood, it's time to replace those old aftermarket components that did not serve me well, and get back to authorized, genuine parts.
I'm getting my old confidence back, the mindset that I am skilled enough, talented enough, smart enough to conquer any issue or problem, as well as dream and develop new plans, strategies and roadmaps to get me where I need to be. Think I'll also pick up a new attitude, one that reminds me that I'm so in love with myself, it will show by how I relate to others. The sluggish feeling one gets from gossip, judgment, envy, jealousy...I won't experience anymore because I'll be so satisfied and content with who I am and how I feel. There will be no room in my tank to accept personally the negativity spewed by others. A cleansing wash of my spirit that will free me of the dirt and grime of past "bad" experiences paired up with a sparkling wax of my character and conversation that buffs away the scrapes and scratches on my surface will leave me with a showroom shine worthy of 5-star valet treatment!
Yeah...I'm feeling better now...this tune-up was a long time in the making...but the motor's humming now...it's not a race, but I'm on my mark now, I'm ready, all set...go.
Happy New Me.