Opposite end of the spectrum: over-the-top advertisements, the aisles of candy hearts, rose-toting teddy bears and red and pink explosions that appear mere moments after we've only just put the ornaments away from the last holiday.
So, in this time of extremes, keep your wits about you: whether you believe Valentine's Day is a contrived consumer mechanism "celebrated" to ring registers or, an homage to some wayward saint whose history actually might be divvied up between three different priests...be smart enough to know that "love" shouldn't be delegated one single 24-hour period. (Especially one where the banks, post offices and court houses are all still open, i.e., not a holiday.)
Even greeting card giant Hallmark, who will forever be associated with creating this and other "fake" holidays (hence the phrase "Hallmark holiday"), has changed their slogan for their 2011 campaigns. They now submit that "Life is a Special Occasion." Exactly. Don't wait for a designated day to buy your girl those cold carnations in cellophane from the corner bodega. Ladies, get your guy the latest celeb-scent any day you want, so you can close your eyes, snuggle up to him and channel Diddy/Jeter/Usher/Justin. The calendar can't tell you when to express your love!
And by the same measure, be sensitive to those who do choose to observe the day -- don't let the date dictate a dastardly deed like serving divorce papers or initiating a break-up. You can do that on any given Sunday. Be kind, and don't rewind by linking it to a day that must be re-lived by your ex- every year, thanks to corporate greed and societal pressure! (Massacre, indeed.) That's just mean. (Check more anti-VDay sentiment here.)
On the real, though, without sounding preachy, just wanna remind us all to love ourselves and be kind to each other, regardless of the day. Don't wait for a holiday to give a little gift, say "I love you," or express how you feel. Every day is worthy is your love is worthy. And phony valentines: if you're with someone just to fulfill a need -- and you know what it is (sex, money, housing, cell phone bill, etc...) -- remember, it all comes back to you...
Happy Valentine's Day! (or, Happy Monday!)