Saturday, May 14, 2011


Spring is trying it's best to get into a groove, at least in some parts of the country. 'Tis the season: Baby showers. Proms. Graduations. And our favorite, weddings. Although we suspect few people are as creative and talented as this couple (word is that they are both graphic artists for NBC), wouldn't it be a blast to film other events of your life like this, flash-mob style? There's actually a company in Miami that you can pay to follow you around like the paparazzi and shoot pics and video. Most people do the obvious, like clubbing and limo-hopping. Don't laugh -- you'd do it in a second with some throw-away money. But switch it up: take the film crew along when you hit the gym, drop the kids at soccer practice or stroll the aisles at the supermarket.

The point is, we should all be stars in our own videos, everyday. The fact that these folks turned their wedding into a full production - in more ways than one - is a testament to their relationship. They took the drama out of the day and had fun with it. We can do the same. So toss your hair just a bit when you chat up the salesclerk. Strike a pose at the bus stop while wearing your sexy sunshades. Lick your lips LL-style while primping in the mirror. The confidence you gain by feeling as though "you're on," in your "dirty bit" mode will be worth every second. Then laugh and get over yourself. Repeat often. And have the time of your life.

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